Tag Archives: recording tutorials

SSFLogicNinja is a nice person.

Nice people are hard to find these days and I’m pretty sure I’ve found one.. This guy’s name is David Earl (or you can call him SFLogicNinja, he doesn’t really care) and apart from being a nice person he is a Logic Pro Guru

And he is kind enough to share his expertise on Logic Pro with you who are completely lazy to read the manual of this amazing but complicated programme.
By shooting Logic Pro tutorial videos and uploading them on Youtube
Yes, I know tutorial videos is nothing new but this guy is the best I’ve seen, really skilled, organized (more than 40 lessons ranging from basics to advanced stuff) and he explains complicated  procedures in a way that even a 6 year old would understand. And all of this is of course free of charge. Nice.

Kids, say thank you to mister Earl..


Yannos, fingers crossed